Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of frequently asked questions about VR and XR. If you have additional questions we haven’t covered, feel free send us a message.

What is XR and VR?

XR refers to “eXtended Reality” and includes Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). VR is when you are immersed in an environment where the entirety of your surroundings are virtually generated. AR is where you are able to see your physical environment enhanced with virtual content.

Check out the below references to help to provide additional clarification:

NVIDIA: What is XR

FORBES: What is Extended Reality Technology?

Roundtable Learning: What is Extended Reality Technology

Is my child old enough to participate in the VR escape rooms?

All games are rated age 10+ with some recommended at 13. Any decision for a younger child to participate is a parental decision that should consider the child’s maturity and ability to solve complex challenges.

Is your game content family friendly?

We have content for the whole family. Whether you are into trains, dinosaurs, sharks, medieval adventures, haunted mansions, zombies, futuristic scenarios, or cooking, we have content the whole family can enjoy.

Check out the descriptions on our escape rooms here and our Arcade Games here.

Will I be able to interact with other people online?

Our arcade and escape room games are considered “off line.” This means the only people you will be able to communicate with are the team members you start your sessions with. Everything our participants see will be visible on public screens.

This helps to ensure a safe environment that avoids typical internet safety issues

What is the maximum age to participate

There is no max age. If you are intrigued with how technology is evolving and the excitement won’t be a concern for any medical condition you may have, give it a try!

How do you clean your equipment?

We sanitize our equipment before, during and after each experience. We also have a disposable cover each participant must wear while wearing the headset. Those who are extra cautios may also sanitize face and handhelds to their liking.

How many people can play at once?

Depends on the game. Some of our arcade games are 1 player, however many of our Escape room games are better played with with three to five people. If your party is a bit larger, we may have to incorporate back-to-back or side-by side sessions.

What should I wear?

This is an active experience so please make sure you wear comfortable clothes and appropriate footwear (ie. no high heels).

What are your booking requirements?

When you are ready, you can book your experience

What is a vR Escape Room?

In a traditional escape room, participants are locked in a themed room and must solve a series of puzzles within a set time limit to “escape” the room. VR escape rooms take this concept to the next level by immersing players in a digital environment where they can interact with objects, manipulate their surroundings, and collaborate with teammates ”all without leaving the comfort of a VR headset.